Home News LED Lowcountry certified as a Women's Business Enterprise

LED Lowcountry certified as a Women’s Business Enterprise

We’re proud to have been certified as a Women’s Business Enterprise through 2024.

Being certified as a Women Business Enterprise (WBE) means that a business is owned, operated, and controlled by one or more women. This certification is typically granted by a third-party organization, such as the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) in the United States, after a thorough review of the business’s ownership, management, and financial records.

In order to be certified as a WBE, a business must meet specific criteria set by the certifying organization. This includes having at least 51% ownership by women, as well as women holding key leadership roles and having a significant role in the day-to-day operations of the business. The business must also have a valid legal structure and be in operation for a certain period of time.


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